Recently, Samsung came out with its new smart phone, the Galaxy Tab. This new development had been given a hard ride for its packaging prior to release, but it has silenced critics now. This new phone works across all four major service providers, giving it a higher versatility and consumer reach. Additionally, it is packed with features, such as a 7-inch touch screen, full flash support (complementary of Android 2.2), the capacity for up to 32 GB of storage, a 1 GHz processor, dual cameras, and (of course) wifi and 3g connectivity options. This new tablet has a range of costs across different suppliers and with different requirements. You can get either the $600 flat fee with no obligation from Verizon, or the $400 fee with a 2-year contract from Sprint. Samsung has tried very hard to differentiate the appearance of their new phone from the rest of a marketplace packed full of smart phones. The color scheme on the front is fairly familiar, what with the normal black finish around the screen, but a shiny white background for the back of the phone, although its uncertain if this will diminish in luster over time. Could this new tablet rival the iPhone? Only time will tell.
--Karl J.
This new product can probably compete well with the new i-pad, pretty cool. -Lucas