Tragic news, Jimi Heselden, the owner of the Segway Inc., died after a segway accident. He was using a segway, believed to be made by his own company (a gyrobike model), to drive around the perimeters of his property, when his segway drove off a cliff with him, it is believed. His body was found near what the police describe as "a segway-style vehicle". He had sustained multiple injuries upon the discovery of the body in the River Wharfe close to the town of Boston Spa in North England on September 16. A spokesman for Hesco Bastion (the company that Mr. Heseldon was chairman for) announced his death formally. A court session adjourned in the middle of deciding on whether or not a court inquest was required. The detective who inspected the scene, and later informed the wife of the deceased was Detective Superintendant Paul Taylor. Unfortunately, the body was not initially permitted to be released to the family in order for a funeral, but has now become available for a funeral service scheduled for October 11, at noon. Our hearts and minds are with this 62 year old man, whose life was stolen by the very product he loved, bought, and endorsed.
-Karl J.
-Karl J.
So sad -- it sounds like he was quite the adventurous spirit and changed the way people toured cities through the Segway. It will be hard to look at another without thinking about this tragic story.