Recently Apple released a new iOS update that provided many new features. It was iOS update 4.1 and it enabled a sort of mmo-based game center as well as a couple other minor features. Jailbreakers have been told not to update there unlocked devices to this new update for it is a "trap" and will brick or unjailbreak their device. However a day later a vulnerability was discovered and a jailbreak is in the making. The hole in the software is a bootrom vunerability referred now to as SHAtter. It is still in development, but anytime this week, or this month, the dev-team (a group of hackers) will release a jailbreak called "greenpois0n." Apple will want to find a way to shut down this hole, but a full device recall is not going to happen. So the most likely response will be to close down the hole with the in-production devices. It is recommended that if you want to take advantage of this hole, than a device should be purchased now. However, when Apple ships the un-jailbreakable software, than it is more than possible that there will be another hole.
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Have you ever tried putting any of these jailbreak programs on your phone? Are there any risks involved? I didn't realize this sort of program was so widely accessible!